One of the most popular features here at Henry Bemis Books is our literary birthday series. Since the spring of 2015, we've posted over 300 illustrated bios of interesting figures from the world of books (you can also find other birthdays, represented by a quotation or a citation in Henry's Book of the Day feature, here and on Facebook.
In response to requests, we've added this finding guide to the lives we've chronicled so far, and the dates on which their stories appeared:
Cumulative birthday list (325)
Last updated through March 6, 2017
Abbey, Edward 1.29.16; 2017
Adams, Douglas 3.11.16
Adamson, Joy 1.20.16; 2017
Adler, Mortimer 12.28.15
Agee, James 11.27.15; 2016
Amis, Kingsley 4.16.15
Angelou, Maya 4.4.16
Arenas, Renaldo 7.6.15; 2016
Ariosto 9.8.15; 2016
Asimov, Isaac 1.2.16; 2017
Auchincloss, Louis 9.27.15
Auden, W.H. 2.21.17
Austen, Jane 12.6.16
Ayckbourn, Alan 5.12.15; 2016
Bacon, Francis 1.22.16
Baldwin, James 8.2.15; 2016
Balzac, Honore’ 5.20.15; 2016
Barnes, Djuna 6.13.16
Barry, Lynda 1.2.17
Barthelme, Donald 4.7.16
Beach, Sylvia 3.14.16
Beckett, Samuel 4.13.15
Beerbohm, Max 8.24.15; 2016
Bellow, Saul 6.10.15; 2016
Benchley, Robert 9.15.15; 2016
Benet, Stephen V. 7.22.15
Bennett, Alan 3.29.15
Berendt, John 12.5.15; 12.5.16
Bernstein, Leonard 8.25.15
Betjeman, John 8.28.15
Blixen, Karen 4.17.15
Bloomsday 6.16.16
Bly, Nellie 5.5.16
Bombeck, Erma 2.23.16
Bowen, Elizabeth 6.7.15
Boyle, T. C. 12.2.16
Bradbury, Ray 8.22.15; 2017
Brautigan, Richard 1.30.16; 2017
Brooks, Gwendolyn 6.7.15
Brown, Margaret Wise 5.23.16
Bukowski, Charles 8.16.16
Burnett, F.H. 11.24.15
Burroughs, E.R. 9.1.15; 9.1.16
Burroughs, W.S. 2.5.17
Butler, Samuel 12.4.15; 2016
Cable, G.W. 10.12.15; 10.12.16
Caldecott, Randolph 3.22.16
Caldwell, Erskine 12.17.15
Calisher, Hortense 12.20.15; 12.10.16
Callahan, John 2.5.17
Capek, Carel 1.6.16
Capote , Truman 9.30.15; 9.30.16
Caro, Robert 10.30.16
Carroll, Lewis 1.27.16; 2017
Carson, Rachel 5.27.16
Caspary, Vera, 11.13.16
Cavafy, C.P. 4.17.15; 6.7.16
Chabon, Michael 5.24.16
Chase, Mary Ellen 2.24.17
Chandler, Raymond 7.23.15; 7.23.16
Chast, Roz 11.26.16
Chatwin, Bruce 5.13.15; 5.13.16; 6.9.16
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 10.25.16
Chesterfield, Lord 9.22.16
Chesterton, G.K. 5.29.15; 5.29.16
Child, Julia 8.15.15
Churchill, Winston S. 11.30.15; 11.30.16
Churchill, Winston 11.10.15; 11.10.16
Ciardi, John 6.24.15
Cleary, Beverly 4.12.16
Collins, Suzanne 8.10.16
Collins, Wilkie 1.8.16; 2017
Conan Doyle 5.22.15
Conroy, Pat 10.26.16
Coolidge, Calvin 7.4.15
Copland, Aaron 11.14.15
Coward, Noel 12.16.15; 12.16.16
Crane, Hart 7.21.15
Crichton,Michael 10.27.15
cummings, e.e. 10.14.15; 10.14.16
Dahl, Roald 9.13.15; 9.15.16
Davies, Robertson 8.28.16
Samuel L. Delany 4.1.16
Dennis, Patrick 5.18.16
de Sade, Marquis 6.2.15
DeVoto, Bernard 1.11.16; 2017
Dewey, Melvil 12.10.15
Dinesen, Isaak 4.7.15
Donleavy, J.P. 4.23.16
Doolittle, Hilda 9.10.16
Duffy, Carol Ann 12.23.15; 12.23.16
DuMaurier,Daphne 5.13.15; 5.13.16
Durant, Will 11.5.15
Edwards, Jonathan 10.5.15
Eiseley, Loren 9.3.15; 9.3.16
Elytis, Odysseas 11.2.15
Emerson, Waldo 5.25.15
Evans, Walker 11.3.15
Evelyn, John 10.31.16
Feiffer, Jules 1.16.16
Firbank, Ronald 1.17.16; 2017
Fitzgerald, F. Scott 9.24.15
Fitzgerald, Penelope 7.16.16
Flaubert, Gustav 12.12.15
Fleming, Ian 5.28.15; 5.28.16
Follett, Ken 6.4.15
Foote, Shelby 11.17.15; 11.17.16
Forester, C.S. 8.27.15
Forster, E.M. 12.31.15; 2016; 2017
Francis, Dick 10.31.15
Freeman, Douglas
Southall 5.15.15; 5.15.16
Fuller, Buckminster 7.13.15; 7.13.16
Gardner, Erle Stanley 7.17.15; 7.17.16
Gardner, Martin 10.21.16
Gilbert, William S. 11.18.16
Ginsberg, Allen 6.3.16
Gissing, George 11.22.16
Gordimer, Nadine 11.20.16
Gorey, Edward 2.22.17
Gordon, Caroline 10.6.15
Grau, Carol Ann 7.8.16
Graves, Robert 7.24.15
Green, Julien 6.3.16
Greene, Graham 10.2.16
Greenaway, Kate 3.17.16
Grisham, John 2.8.17
Halliburton, Richard 1.9.17
Hamilton, Edith 8.12.15; 6.14.16
Hamilton, Virginia 3.12.17
Hardy, Thomas 6.2.15
Harris, E. Lynn 6.20.16
Harris, Joel Chandler 12.9.15
Harris, Frank 2.14.17
Hawthorne, Nathaniel 7.4.15
H.D. 9.10.16
Heinlein, Robert A. 7.7.15; 7.7.16
Hemingway, Ernest 7.21.15
Herlihy, James L. 2.27.16
Highsmith, Patricia 1.19.16; 6.17.16
Hillegrass, Clifton 4.18.16
Hoffer, Eric 7.28.16
Hollinghurst, Alan 5.28.16
Housman, A.E. 3.26.16
Hubbard, L. Ron 3.13.16
Hughes, Langston 2.1.17
Hughes, Robert 7.28.16
Hugo, Victor 2.26.17
Hurston, Zora Neale 1.7.16
Ionesco, Eugene 11.26.15; 11.26.16
Irving, Clifford 11.5.16
Irwin, Inez Haynes 3.2.17
Jacobs, Jane 5.4.16
Jakes, John 3.31.16
James, P.D. 8.3.15
James, Henry 4.15.15, 4.15.16
Jarry, Alfred 9.2.15; 9.9.16
Jefferson, Thomas 4.13.15
Johnson, James Weldon 6.17.16
Johnson, Samuel 9.18.15; 9.18.16
Kantor, McKinlay 2.4.17
Kesey, Ken 9.17.25
King, Stephen 9.21.15
King, M.L. 1.17.16
Kipling, Rudyard 12.30.15; 12.30.16
Koontz, Dean 7.9.15
Krafft-Ebing 8.14.15
Kumin, Maxine 6.6.16
Kunitz, Stanley 7.29.16
Lamott, Anne 4.10.16
L’Amour, Louis 3.23.16
Larkin, Philip 8.9.15; 8.9.16
Lawrence, Elizabeth 5.27.15
Lawrence, T.E. 8.16.15
Leavitt, David 6.23.16
Le Carre, John 10.19.16
Lehrer, Jim 5.19.15
L’Engle, Madeline 11.29.15; 11.29.16
Levertov, Denise 10.24.15
Lofting, Hugh 1.14.16; 2017
London, Jack 1.12.17
Lorca, Garcia 6.5.15; 6.5.16
Lovecraft, H.P. 8.20.15
Lyttelton, Humphrey 5.23.15
MacDonald, John D. 7.27.16
Mann, Thomas 6.6.15
Marquez, Gabriel
Maria 5.6.15
Marquis, Don 6.29.15
Martin, Ricky 12.24.15; 6.25.16
Marx, Harpo 11.23.15; 11.23.16
Maugham, Somerset 1.25.16; 2017
Maupin , Armstead 5.13.15; 5.15.16
McCarthy, Mary 6.21.16
McCullers, Carson 2.19.17
McCullough, Colleen 6.1.15
McEwen, Ian 6.21.15
McGinley, Phyllis 3.21.16
McLuhan, Marshall 7.21.16
McMurtry, Larry 6.3.15
McPhee, John 3.8.16
Mencken, H.L. 9.13.15; 9.13.16
Mercury, Freddie 11.23.16
Meredith, George 2.12.16
Michener, James A. 2.3.17
Millay, Edna St. Vincent 2.22.16
Miller, Arthur 10.17.15; 10.17.16
Miller, Henry 12.26.15; 12.26.16
Milne, A.A. 1.18.16; 2017
Mitchell, Joseph 7.27.15; 7.27.16
Mitchell, Margaret 11.8.15
Moore, Clement 7.15.16
Moore, George 2.24.15
Moore, Marianne 11.15.15; 11.15.16
Morris, Jan 6.16.16
Morrison, Toni 2.18.18
Munro, H.H. (Saki) 7.10.15; 6.22.16
Murdoch, Iris 7.15.15; 7.15.16
Murray, James A.M. 2.7.17
Nabokov, Vladimir 4.6.15
Neruda, Pablo 7.12.16
Nesbit, E. 8.19.15
Norris, Frank 3.5.16
O’Connor, Flannery 3.25.16
O’Hara, Frank 6.27.15
O’Hara, John 1.31.17
Olson, Charles 12.27.17
Palgrave, Francis 9.28.16
Parker, Dorothy 8.22.17
Pasternak, Boris 2.10.17
Pepys, Samuel 2.23.17
Percy, Walker 5.28.15
Perelman, S.J. 2.1.17
Petrarch 7.20.15
Pinsky, Robert 10.20.16
Pinter, Harold 10.10.15
Porter, Eleanor
Hodgman 12.19.15
Porter, Katherine
Anne 5.15.16
Pound, Ezra 10.30.15
Pratchett, Terry 4.28.16
Proulx, Annie 8.22.15
Proust, Marcel 7.10.16
Pynchon, Thomas 5.8.15
Rand, Ayn 2.2.17
Randi, James 8.5.15
Rawlings, Marjorie
Kinan 8.8.15
Roberts, Kenneth 12.8.16
Robinson, E.A. 12.22.16
Rogers, Will 11.4.16
Rohmer, Sax 2.15.16
Roosevelt, Theodore 10.27.16
Ros, Amanda McKittrick 12.9.16
Ross, Harold 11.6.16
Roth, Philip 3.19.16
Ruark, Robert 12.29.15
Russell, Bertrand 5.18.15
Sacks, Oliver 7.9.15
Saki (H.H. Munro) 12.18.16
Salzman, Mark 12.3.16
Sandberg, Carl 1.6.16
Santmyer, Helen Hoeven
Sarton, May 5.3.16
Savage, Dan 10.7.15
Sayers, Dorothy L. 6.13.15
Sendak, Maurice 6.10.15
Service, Robert 1.16.16; 2017
Suess, Dr. 3.2.17
Sevareid, Eric 11.26.16
Sewell, Anna 3.29.16
Sexton, Anne 11.9.15
Shaara, Michael 6.23.15
Shelley, Percy 8.4.15; 8.4.16
Shaw, George
Bernard 7.26.15; 7.26.16
Shawn, William 8.31.15; 8.31.16
Shirer, William L. 2.23.17
Silverstein, Shel 9.25.15; 9.25.16
Simenon, Georges 2.13.16
Sitwell, Edith 9.6.16
Smith, Lee 11.1.15
Smith, Stevie 9.20.16
Aleksandr 12.11.15
Sparks, Nicholas 12.31.16
Spillane, Mickey 3.9.16
Stein, Gertrude 2.3.16
Steinbeck, John 2.28.17
Stevens, Wallace 10.12.15
Stevenson, Robert
Louis 11.13.16
Strachey, Lytton 3.5.17
Stone, Irving 7.14.16
Strunk, William Jr. 7.1.16
Styron, William 6.10.15
Susann, Jacqueline 8.18.16
Takei, George 4.20.16
Talese, Gay 2.7.17
Tenniel, John 2.28.17
Terhune, Albert
Payson 12.21.16
Terkel, Studs 5.16.15
Tolson, Melvin 2.6.17
Trevor, William 5.24.15
Thompson, Hunter S. 7.18.16
Thurber, James 12.8.16
Toibin, Colm 8.22.16
Toklas, Alice B. 4.30.16
Trollope, Anthony 4.24.15
Truman, Margaret 2.17.17
Trump, Donald 6.14.16
Turow, Scott 5.12.16
van Allsburg, Chris 6.18.15
Vasari, Giorgio 7.30.16
Verne, Jules 2.8.17
Vidal, Gore 10.3.16
Vonnegut, Kurt 11.11.15; 11.11.16
Walcott, Derek. 1.23.16; 2017
Walker, Alice 2.9.17
Wallace, DeWitt 11.12.17
Warhol, Andy 8.6.16
Wasserstein, Wendy 10.18.16
Waters, John 4.22.16
Watson, James 4.6.16
Watterson, Bill 7.5.16
Welles,Orson 6.6.15
Waugh, Evelyn 10.28.16
Welty, Eudora 4.13.15
Wesley, John 6.28.15
West, Dorothy 6.2.16
West, Mae 8.17.16
Wharton,Edith 1.24.17
White, E.B. 7.12.16
White, Edmund 1.13.17
White, T.H. 5.28.15
Whitman, Walt 5.31.16
Wilde, Oscar 10.16.17
Wilder, Thornton 4.17.15
Williams, Garth 4.16.15
Wodehouse, P.G. 10.15.15
Wojnarowicz, David 9.14.16
Yerby, Frank 9.5.15; 9.5.16
Yourcenar, Marguerite 6.8.15; 6.8.16
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