Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Come along, Sherman, we can't keep Queen Nefertiti waiting.

I'm so old that when I was a "young adult" reader there was no such thing as "young adult" readers. There were kids' books, and there were adult books, and the librarians in my hometown constantly tried to keep me from checking out adult books. I wasn't one. Finally, my parents had to go see the old biddies and tell them to let the boy read what he wanted. It kept me quiet at home.

Happily, the market offers more choices today, and where once there was only H.G. Wells' The Time Machine and Madeline L'Engle Murry family trilogy, time travel has opened up as a subject for kids of all ages. Even ones like me, who grew up thinking Pluto was a planet.

This link's to a Guardian article on the best current kids' books on time travel. Leave me a comment if you wish to discuss. I'm off for coffee with Dr Johnson and Edmund Burke.

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