Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tyler Cowen hashtags Ben Bernanke's memoirs

1. When it comes to South Carolina, he is a cornball, but a likable one.
2. He played Strato-O-Matic baseball as a kid.  No mention of Jim Bunning in that context.
3. After two years at Harvard, he had taken only Econ 101.  Later Dale Jorgensen became his mentor.
4. He is a fan of Borges, with the influence coming from his wife, who has taught Spanish literature.
5. He regrets his earlier tough rhetoric on the Japanese central bank.
6. Greenspan’s marriage proposal to Andrea Mitchell was riddled with his trademark ambiguity.  Bernanke, in contrast, proposed after two months of courtship.
7. Bernanke underestimated the extent of the housing bubble.  Various negative consequences were to ensue from the collapse of housing prices.
8. “I had never gone overboard on libertarianism…”
9. Ben got really, really mad at the AIG chief executives, in fact he “seethed.”
10. The Fed did not have a good, legal way to bail out Lehman.  It needed a buyer, and no buyer was to be found.  A short-term infusion of cash would not have sufficed.  And Ben was afraid at the time that if he confessed the Fed’s impotence in this regard, the market reaction would have been negative.
11. The idea of a mortgage cram down made good sense but was never politically feasible.
12. “So, by setting the interest rate we paid on reserves high enough, we could prevent the federal funds rate from falling too low.”
13. I found the discussions of Wachovia and WaMu came the closest to offering new perspective and information.  Perhaps he was able to say more because these actions did not skirt the possibility of the Fed exceeding its mandate.
14. He had a favorable impression of the frankness of John McCain.
15. He thought QE should been done through the purchase of corporate bonds, but the Fed didn’t have the right kind of authority at that time.
16. He argues that the idea of ngdp targeting is too complicated and could not easily be made credible, given that the Fed has built up its reputation as an inflation fighter.  It also raises the risk that a non-credible ngdp target wouldn’t boost output, but would deliver price inflation, thereby resurrecting stagflation as a potential problem.  (By the way, here is Scott’s response.)
17. He is still upset at the coverage he received from Paul Krugman.
18. In Nunavut he passed on raw seal meat and a dogsled ride.
The bottom lines: This book has way, way more economics than I expected and probably more than the publisher wanted.  It really is Ben’s attempt to defend his place in history, and yes the book does deliver a huge dose of Bernanke.  This is not ghostwritten fluff.  It does not however dish much “dirt” or shed much new light on the key episodes of the financial crisis.  Both in public and in the book Ben has been extremely gentlemanly.  Still, as I kept on reading I could not escape the feeling that he is deeply, deeply annoyed by many of his critics, and very much determined to tell the story from his point of view.  That is what you get from this book.
- See more at: http://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2015/10/ben-bernankes-memoir-courage-to-act.html#sthash.aCm4QXJc.dpuf

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